TWHBEA Tennessee Walker
15 hands
Kasey is a really well-bred chestnut sabino gelding from T W Ranch in Manitoba. He grew up roaming the hills and river valley of his home. The T W Ranch breeding program puts hardy, easy gaited, and good minded horses on the ground. Kasey's sire is NFF It's Murphy Law, a IHWHA stallion from the United States. On his dam line, he goes back to Williams Kodiak, a great Canadian breeding stallion and one of my favourites.
Kasey has a big walk with lots of head shake and over stride and an easy canter. He has been ridden with dogs, pulled skiers and sleds, has been exposed to gunfire, tarps, etc. Kasey has been ridden alone and in groups. However he is not for a beginner rider. He will need a confident and knowledgeable rider. When Kasey gets worried or scared, he tends to scoot forward. He is very easy to stop and has been trained using the one rein stop method. When Steeve rides him, he is able to answer Kasey's questions with the twitch of a finger, but he has extremely good timing and feel. With Emilee and myself, he gets three to four steps forward.
Kasey competed in the Battle River CTR 2022 ride in August and even placed during his first ride ever. He passed two vet checks and three P&R stops. He was a little nervous at the start (all the horses in our group were pretty pumped leaving the starting line) but he settled in about half an hour into the ride and crossed every obstacle, he was a gentleman for the checks, and handled the traveling very well. He gave Steeve a good ride with his beautiful gait and easy canter. We passed longhorn cattle, crossed water, bridges, deer blinds, tractors, and Kasey really was a champ about everything.